Friday, August 15, 2008

What's wrong with your baby?

Today I took my baby boy into my old work environement to show him off to my friends there. Most of them did not know about him. When I turned him around from my shoulder,one of the girls there asked, "What's wrong with your baby?" I replied with, "What do you mean?" She said, "Well, he doesn't look like your other boys." I said, "He looks a lot like my oldest son. He has Down syndrome...." She said, "I can tell!" I said..."but that's what makes him so right." Everyone was silent, and I walked away. Later, I got a few texts from some that were ther to tell me that he was so cute and that there was no way that they could tell. It is okay. It had to happen sometime. This was a first and I am sure that this is not going to be the last.