Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mom, do I have Down syndrome?

Carter is so hillarious. He is getting so big and smart. He is starting to catch on to this whole "down syndrome" thing---so I thought. We have never made a big deal out of the down syndrome thing to our boys because we want them to think of Cobee as being exactly like them, which he is. We do not and will not treat him "differently". So we have never told the boys that he is different or "special". We tell the boys that THEY are special because they get to be Cobee's brother. So the other day Carter saw some pictures of children with Down syndrome and recognized that they had it which sparked a conversation and lots of questions about it. I asked him what he knew about kids with Down syndrome. He said, "I know that they are pretty cool kids." I was completely satisfied with that answer. The most important thing to know is simply that! And then he asked, "Mom, do I have Down syndrome?" I laughed to myself, but not out loud, "No, sweetie, you don't". Why would he think that? I thought he understood what Down syndrome is?!? "Did I have Down syndrome when I was a baby?" "No, you didn't" "Cuz, boy, Cobee sure looks a lot like me!!" I had to fight back tears, but he is right! Cobee does look a lot like him (both of which are very handsome!), and Carter is so proud of that! I want him to be proud of that forever! Knowing Carter and his ability to love and care for others, and especially the way he loves Cobee, he WILL be proud of that forever.

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