Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I cannot tell you how many times I have noticed people (usually older people) watching me (or I guess I should say Cobester) from a distance. Most of the time they get the courage to approach us, and when they do, they say something like "I was so drawn in by your baby, I just wanted to take a closer look". Sometimes they notice Traits of Down syndrome and then realize why they were drawn in, sometimes they don't. But they all recognize his strong spirit. Pretty amazing. They always tell me how beautifull he is, and they usually have some kind of story for me, or words of encouragement. I can't tell you what a comfort it is to me that people, not just my family, accept him and love him, and they don't even know him. They don't have to know him for very long to feel his sweet spirit. I had it happen, yet again, while I was at the store today. So thank you to all of you who have given such great support to Cobester and our family. Your support has given me great strength, when others, who are ignorant to the world of children with dissabilities, say derogatory remarks without realizing that they are being offensive. I have found the strength to say "It hurts my feelings that you feel that way about a group of children that you know nothing about. Maybe I should bring my son in for you to hold. Maybe that would change your mind on the way that you feel about children with special needs". Support from friends and family has softened my heart, and has helped me learn to be defensive in a kind way when the storm blows, and in turn, has proven to be a good teaching tool to those who are ignorant. THANK YOU ALL!!!!

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